Commercial Manager

Tony Miller

Our Client Since 2007

I was in my late 30s and came to APC because I needed a fresh approach to my finances.

Suffering from substantial financial fallout due to a breakup, I realised I needed to start from scratch and take careful and appropriate measures to secure my future finances and prepare for retirement.

I was considering two other advisory firms  – but it ultimately came down to the honesty and personal interactions with APC’s advisers. The impersonal and cookie-cutter approach of the other two firms was not something that I  was after. I never felt any pressure to commit or sign to APC. The whole affair was handled at my own pace – which helped ease my feeling of financial vulnerability.

Since 2007, I have experienced the GFC, an income boost during my 40s followed by a shift to a less managerial supportive position, the progressive release of discretionary expenditure and the consideration of medium-term retirement. APC has remained consistent, independent, researched and strategically adaptable in their message and advice for both external factors as well as my own personal shift in circumstances and goals.

13 years later and I feel comfortable and confident in the solid, long-term financial strategy that I have in place. Such a strategy has required no altering of any sort including either the disposal of or purchase of deflated assets.

This was all achievable through the regular meetings with APC’s advisers and their insights into external factors and elements that could affect the strategy. Additionally, any useful/relevant information would be communicated to me via email or phone in between the six-monthly meetings.

I’m entirely comfortable and confident in how the team understands and supports my financial goals and circumstances. The personal accessibility of the advisers goes a long way in the provision of their advice.

When the Banking Royal Commission revealed so many disturbing aspects of the financial advice industry in 2016 – I knew that I’d made the right choice as what had been identified were aspects that APC had long forewarned and recognised numerous times in the past.

“I have been most fortunate to have chosen my advisers well. They state the facts, acknowledge the uncertainties, listen to me, provide good strategic advice and always remain available.”

– Tony Miller