Graham and Evelyn
Making the most of it
At the time they connected with APC, Evelyn was 55 and Graham 57. Whilst Graham had fully retired from the workforce, Evelyn was still working part-time. They owned their home and had several investment properties with some debt. Superannuation made up a smaller portion of their overall assets and they were drawing on it relatively heavily to meet their outgoings.
They were conscious of, but did not have, an estate plan or Wills in place.

Graham and Evelyn’s primary reason for connecting with APC initially was to ensure they were financially prepared for their full retirement with their ‘ducks all lined up’. Of key importance was that they simplify their affairs, boost their superannuation and ultimately have total confidence they could enjoy the retirement they had envisaged.
Some of their other concerns and priorities were explained to us as follows:
- We don’t want to be spending our time in our retirement managing investment properties. This has become burdensome – but we’re not sure what the alternative is
- Keeping it simple is important
- We need help and guidance to understand tax and what makes good sense
- We are hoping to enjoy a big holiday once Evelyn has retired
- Travelling is important to us and this is something we’d like to be able to do as much as possible
- We want to live well and retire with comfort and peace of mind
- We established and documented a comprehensive financial plan
- The primary concern regarding cash flow and debt was dealt with. With careful consideration for their various properties, tax and several other factors, Graham and Evelyn progressively sold underperforming assets over several years, managing taxation, reducing debt and boosting their overall tax efficiency through contributions to superannuation
- We helped Graham and Evelyn get a better handle on income and outgoings and what they needed to live a comfortable retirement. As part of this, time was spent to understand what was most important from a lifestyle perspective
- Established tax-effective cash flow from superannuation which matched the amount they needed
- Ensured their superannuation monies were working hard in lower-cost and better-performing investments
- Held dedicated discussions that centred around their estate planning and how they wanted to benefit the next generation
- Debts were ultimately eliminated and the financial strategy recalibrated with the retirement phase in mind
- Evelyn comfortably decided to retire
- Life was significantly simplified. Graham and Evelyn could turn their attention to enjoying retirement and planning their trip
- Through a more diversified and appropriate investment strategy, they felt they had reduced their overall risks
- Graham and Evelyn’s overall affairs were significantly more tax effective with a monthly tax-free cash flow from superannuation matched to the amount they needed. As part of this, they had a much-increased sense of flexibility
- Ongoing decision-making support and check-ins 6 monthly created peace of mind